Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The young drivers copy the bad habits of his parents to the steering wheelóvenes-copian-los-malos-hábitos-de-sus-padres-al-volante#614
The young drivers copy the bad habits of his parents to the steering wheel
The young European drivers repeat the bad habits of his parents during the conduction, as he gathers a study elaborated by the manufacturer of tires Goodyear and the European Association of Autoschools (EFA, for his initials in English).
This document indicates that Spain, Italy, France and Austria are Europa's countries in which the transmission of bad habits of conduction of parents and children supposes a major problem, whereas the situation is the opposite one in Poland, Switzerland and Czech Republic.
This way, 64 % of the teachers of autoschool thinks that the young drivers he adopts bad customs of conduction after years observing his parents to the steering wheel, though in Spain 60 % believes that the pressure of the instructors has a great influence in the conduction of the young persons.

Nevertheless, the study reflects that 35 % of the instructors of autoschool believes that the friends have a major power that they at the moment of affecting in the bad habits to the steering wheel of the new drivers.
The director of Goodyear Dunlop's Corporate Communication in Europe, Middle East and Africa, Jens Völmicke, highlighted that these results reveal that the responsible conduction must start being obstinate in house, from an early age. For your part, the president of EFA, John Lepine, emphasized that these numbers confirm the important thing that is for the young persons to possess positive models of conduct in the road. " We do not surprise to verify that the young persons imitate customs from an early age ", was added by it.

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